Our Bags Are Packed...

We are getting really really close. We got the labor bag all packed and ready to go. We still have a couple weeks left, but I have this weird feeling that the baby might come before our due date...

Maxi Cosi Foray Penguin...

Ordered the stroller today that goes with the carseat we bought. The stroller seat is removable and our carseat pops into the stroller. This color is discontinued and we got one of the last ones online!!

More Baby Shower Pics...

Tiffany finished downloading and editing all of the pics from the shower (sorry Tiffany! I know it was a lot of work!). I have updated our online album to include the entire set.

POLL: What should we call him...

Ok, so we already know what his name will be...But that leaves a lot of room for variations on what to refer to him as. We also already know that Dora & Rick are going to call him Little Jimbo. Let's hear from you...what do you want to call him? If you pick other, make sure you leave a comment on your suggestion. Poll won't last forever (closes on 8/24/09) so get your vote in now!

*EDIT: Poll has been moved to the right side-bar...

August 4th...

The next doctor appointment that we have is on Tuesday, August 4th. Dr. Bielawny will be out of town next week and the appointment is with one of his associates. Daniela will unfortunately have to fly solo to this one.

Anyone have any ice?...

Pretty routine visit to the doc today. Nothing really worth noting except for the fact that Daniela gained four pounds since last week's visit (must have been the baby shower, lol). However on a another topic, her ankle started to swell late afternoon. I think it was because she was sitting on it at work. I snapped a quick pic so everyone could see. I think a little ice and elevation should do the trick...

Daddy's Office...

As I'm walking back to my desk from lunch, I notice that people are staring at me...So I immediately start to think something bad is going on, laid off perhaps? But when I get to my desk, I see a bath tub filled with all sorts of baby stuff. Co-workers can be very thoughtful...

Found The Car Seat...

I finally found the car seat. We had added it to our registry at Babies R Us, but they sold out and placed it on back order. So did everywhere else in the country. But I finally found a store that had a few left and placed the order today...

Thank you to Everyone...

We had a fun time yesterday at the baby shower. It was great to see everyone there, including many who we haven't seen in a long time. Thank you to everyone for helping us get ready for the baby!! Below are a few photos from the shower, the the rest can be seen by clicking on the below link. Tiffany took over 600 photos, so it will take quite some time to get them all edited and uploaded, so check back later for the new additions. 54 so far...Thanks for your help with the photography Tiffany, they look awesome!!!


The Shower...

We're off to the baby shower. I think it's going to be a good time. We'll make sure to post pics of the festivities for those who aren't able to make it. See everyone there!

Hospital Registration...

Daniela went today and pre-registered at Winnie Palmer Hospital. It reserves our room and gets all of the paperwork out of the way. So now when the baby comes, we don't have to worry about all of the registration stuff. We just show up and get to work...

July 28th...

Next appointment with Dr. Bielawny is on July 28th. It's going to be once a week from here on out...

The Home Stretch...

35 weeks and counting...We're cruising right along. Doc told us today that we are officially "full term." While the baby still needs to put on a little more weight, he said if something were to happen at this point and Daniela was to go into labor, that everything would be completely normal and they wouldn't try to delay the labor any. We're almost there...just under 5 weeks left!

We also voiced a concern with the doc that has come up over the past week or so. Every now and then, we would feel the baby move, but it was almost like a rhythmic "pulsing" kick, not one of your normal sporadic ones. I was more concerned than Daniela was, thinking that it felt more like a spasm or seizure more than anything else... But the doc put our concerns to rest. Ready?.....He gets the hiccups! LOL.


As I left for work this morning I noticed something uncanny. I always unplug James' phone and put it next to him so he can hear his alarm; otherwise he will not wake up. His screen saver is a picture of the baby (see pic) and I as I sat next to him to say goodbye I looked at the screen and the baby looked identical to him as James laid there sleeping. So my prediction is that the baby will look like his daddy. I also received another predication about his weight from my sister. She says he will be at least 8 lbs.

2 x 2...

Today was Marissa's baby shower. Had a blast. It was great to see her and her family. She is due four weeks after I am and is also having a boy, Charlie Cruz. Can't wait to see you next weekend Mari!


July 21st...

Our next appointment with Dr. Bielawny is on the 21st @ 4pm. After this one, it will be once a week from there on out. We're getting close!

Doctor Visit Update...

Today we had our first visit for July. I will be going back on the 21st for the second visit since now I go every two weeks. I did my weigh in and I am at 151.5 lbs! Yes, the number is high but I really don't feel like the number. I looked at my chart and I weighed in at 126lbs on my first visit so I have gained 25lbs. According to the doctor I am gaining weight like I should be. I also found out that the baby is head first and that he probably will stay that way until birth. The doctor showed me how to feel for his head and that was fun to feel. Lil shug has been moving like crazy and I thought all the kicks were his feet but with his position being heard first, it must have been his arms. James says he is taking after his father already and that flipping head first is his way of preparing early to make sure he is on time.


Took the laptop with us today to our doc appointment and recorded the baby's heartbeat.

Long overdue...

I know that this should have been done a long time ago but here is a picutre of me last Saturday (6/27)before James & I went out to dinner. Enjoy!
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