Happy Birthday J!...

Today brought us J's 4 month birthday, and another cupcake from Sweet!. The baby had a rough day and an even worse evening. After crying for a little less than an hour, he went to bed early without his happy birthday song. We are a little sad that he wasn't in a good mood to celebrate with us, although I will make sure that his cupcake will be waiting for him when he gets up. Happy Birthday Shug!!!

More Christmas Toys...

Here's another toy that J got for Christmas. He really likes this one too...

J's First Christmas...

It's official...J had his first Christmas. Everyone got him a whole bunch of stuff and we are very thankful.

He seems to really love his new playmat, so I think it is one of his favorite presents this year.

It's been a long day and he is all worn out from the fun...

All Smiles...

The Season To Be Giving...

A broker that I do business with does a program every year called backpacks for the homeless. Each Christmas they provide backpacks full of living essentials and comfort items to families who are homeless and have been displaced by the economic downturn. Daniela and I made one this year for a little boy with toys, coloring books, crayons and some drinks and snacks. I wish that I had thought to post the info here sooner than now so that anyone else who felt compelled to help someone out for the holidays would have been able to.

But that's no excuse, everyone should be helping any way that you can...Do something nice! There's still time...

Our Visitors...

I know this isn't baby related, but Daniela was thrilled and insisted that I post. We have a herd of deer that roam around the woods behind our house. I frequently see them around our yard, but Daniela has yet to be here at the same time as them. So today she was pleasantly surprised when they payed us a visit just before sundown.

Photo Time...

J's First Ornament...

The three of us went to Hallmark today and picked out J's first ornament. There were a few others to pick from, but they just didn't seem like "him." I think he'll like this one better...

Underage Drinking...

Stopped by Tiffany and Eric's new house today to see how things were coming along.  J decided to kick back and throw down a cold one while he was there.  He's such a rebel...

Photo Time...

Photo Time...

Fight Club...

Here is J and his buddy Charlie.  They are already conspiring to make their own fight club.

The Punch...

The "I'm Sorry"...

Gang of Cousins...

Tiffany was nice enough to do her thing and donate some time to snap a few pics of the gang. I heard that it was chaos...but after all was said and done, the pics came out great. Thanks again!

Photos courtesy of www.tiffanyfindley.com


Got bored at work today and started playing around with some apps on my phone.  I guess this is what J is going to look like when he grows up and retires and becomes a cowboy...

Out Cold...

Here is the baby coming home after a hard day's work.  He is pooped...

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