1. When are you due: August 24th (my Dad's b-day is the 23rd so I am hoping the baby comes a day early)
2. How far along are you: As you can see from the counter to the right, I am right at 9 weeks as of this post.
3. How are you feeling: See image above...Not good!!!!! This week has been rough. No energy, and no real appetite.
4. Are you still working out: Going into this I always said that when I got pregnant I wouldn't stop going to the gym. Now that I am head first, it is becoming more and more difficult to get to the gym. I am thinking about starting some prenatal yoga to make up for it.
5. Are you hoping for a girl or a boy: James and I do not care of the sex, as long as we have a healthy baby. However, I have had visions that it is going to be a boy.
6. Was this pregnancy planned: Yes, James and I decided a month or two before it happened that we wanted to have a baby.
7. Do you have names picked out: If it's a boy, I am thinking of keeping James' name in the family...Dolphus James Harp, IV.
8. Have I had any cravings: No, not yet. I have actually had a loss of appetite and foods that I love aren't looking so great right now.
9. Is James excited: ECSTATIC!!!
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