July Baby...

Daniela had her first doc appointment today. She decided to go back to Dr. B. We were going to switch because of our whole swine flu epidemic that happened at Winnie Palmer last time. She wanted to try to find a doc with another hospital affiliation, but in the end Dr. B was great last time around so she decided to stick with him.

Her due date is currently July 22nd, but that could get adjusted slightly after her first sonogram. Aunt Tiffany's bday is in July, so it looks like she's going to have to share her month!


Tiffany said...

ha! I was just going say that July is an awesome month. I turned out just wondeful :-)

James said...

Yeah, and it's only a week or so away from your bday. So who knows, maybe the baby will sync up with you and come on the 11th

Marissa and Juan said...

I agree Tiffany! I'm July 27th so I'm all for July:)

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