Dr. Silva...
1st Doctor Visit...
Direct Hit...
Like Father, Like Son?...
Our First Night...

The Results Are In...
Home, Sweet Home...
The Cold War Is Over...
Waiting for the Verdict...
Up all night...
We have a date tonight...
Out of Hiding...
Facility Photos...

Newspaper Announcement...
Birth Certificate...
Murphy Beds....
I Am Alive...
He is soo cute!! I think that he looks like a nice blend between both his father and myself. I can't wait to hug him and kiss him! Thank you everyone for your kind words and support that you have given me over the past day or so. Talk to everyone soon!
First Time Feeding...
Change of Plans...
Quarantine Update...
Daniela is in isolation for 48 hours. She is not allowed to see the baby. Originally, they said that no one could visit her during this time frame either. However we just got clarification from the new nurse that she can have VERY limited visitors, but anyone who enters the room will have to put on full swine flu radioactive quarantine suits, masks, goggles and gloves. Again, she stressed it must be very limited for the first 48 hours. NO KIDS...Sorry!!!
Regarding J, he is also in isolation. He can have visitors, but no contact. He can only be seen through a viewing window for this first 48 hours. The doctor said that I am the only person allowed to visit him for this initial period, but I must also have the swine flu get-up on when I do.
Hopefully these two days will go by very quickly...
Look what we bought!!!
UPDATE: 6:04am...
UPDATE: 4:21am...
UPDATE: 2:59am...
UPDATE: 11:15pm...
UPDATE: 10:45pm...
UPDATE: 10:15pm...
UPDATE: 8:04pm...
Daniela only has until 7 cm to decide if she wants any IV pain medicine. After she hits 7, then the only thing left available to her is the epidural. So she decided to take a little IV med before it was too late.

UPDATE: 5:06pm...
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UPDATE: 4:30pm...
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UPDATE: 4:10pm...
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UPDATE: 4:05pm...
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UPDATE: 3:45pm...
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Swine Flu...
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UPDATE: 2:30pm
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This message has been sent using the picture and Video service from Verizon Wireless!
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
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BREAKING: It might be time...
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.
So what was it?...

Reality Check...

False Alarm...

Ok so her water didnt break. No baby yet...
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
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So Daniela thinks her water might have broken. She called the doc and they bumped our appointment up from this afternoon to right now! We are on our way in to the office now. Stay tuned...
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.
Bad Timing?...

Voting Closed...
Last weekend alone...
It's Official...
Cord Blood...

So Daniela had mentioned the topic of cord blood to me a while back. I never got around to researching it and seeing what in the world she was talking about. Apparently, the blood that is left in the umbilical cord can be utilized to capture valuable stem cells. These stem cells can be used to cure many diseases such as cancers of the blood, brain diseases and leukemia.
You can actually contract a company to come in after the cord is cut and collect the blood, ship it to their lab, and have them store your cord blood in cryonic vaults. You can access your cord blood bank later in life if your baby happens to be troubled with a disease that could benefit from these cells. Sounded like a pretty cool idea as I read about it. Until I got to the price...
It was something like $2,000++ for the processing fee for you to ship the blood to the company to process it, and then another $200 a year for the cryonic storage. Would be nice...but no thanks.
Instead, I learned that Winnie Palmer is partnered with CORD:USE which is a public cord blood bank. They accept donations from parents who are not going to use the cord blood from their baby. The bank is used to help many babies who are in need of these stem cells.
Since we are not able to save ours, we are going to do the next best thing and donate it to CORD:USE.
1st Year Cost...

August 25th & August 30th...
Our next appointment has been scheduled for the baby's official due date. We are praying that we won't need it...but every day that passes it looks more and more like we will...

So here it is....the day that will end it all!!! The wait will be over one way or another by this date. No baby on the 30th? No problem, we'll just force him out of hiding!!!
Blog Slide Show
Blog Archive
- Dr. Silva...
- Photo Time...
- 1st Doctor Visit...
- Direct Hit...
- Photo Time...
- Like Father, Like Son?...
- Our First Night...
- The Results Are In...
- Home, Sweet Home...
- The Cold War Is Over...
- Waiting for the Verdict...
- Up all night...
- Family Reunion...
- We have a date tonight...
- Out of Hiding...
- Facility Photos...
- Newspaper Announcement...
- Birth Certificate...
- Ouch...
- Murphy Beds....
- I Am Alive...
- First Time Feeding...
- Change of Plans...
- Quarantine Update...
- J's First Video...
- Look what we bought!!!
- UPDATE: 6:04am...
- UPDATE: 4:21am...
- UPDATE: 2:59am...
- UPDATE: 12:01AM...
- UPDATE: 11:15pm...
- UPDATE: 10:45pm...
- UPDATE: 10:15pm...
- UPDATE: 9:25pm...
- UPDATE: 8:04pm...
- UPDATE: 5:06pm...
- UPDATE: 4:30pm...
- UPDATE: 4:10pm...
- UPDATE: 4:05pm...
- UPDATE: 3:45pm...
- Swine Flu...
- UPDATE: 2:30pm
- BREAKING: It might be time...
- Contractions...
- So what was it?...
- Reality Check...
- False Alarm...
- Bad Timing?...
- Voting Closed...
- Last weekend alone...
- It's Official...
- Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!
- Cord Blood...
- 1st Year Cost...
- August 25th & August 30th...
- The Zodiac Wars...
- Doctor Visit Update...
- Hope we get good news...
- Look what decided to show up...
- Baby Shower Pre-show...
- August 18th...(If necessary)...
- Long-Lost Twins?...
- Whoa...
- Emergency Blogging System...
- Live, On The Scene Coverage...
- 2 cm and Counting...
- Our New Stroller...
- Waiting...
- Blog Problems...
- Birthday Pics...
- Happy Birthday Beef!!!
- CONFESSION: I have an illegitimate child...
- The UPS Guy...
- School Registration Deadline...
- The Bedding...
- August 12th...
- The Point of No Return...
- Fixed The Comments...
- www.TheShugProject.com
- Picked Out The Bedding...
- What's in the bag...