Dr. Silva...

J met his doctor today for the first time. Everything went very well. They both seemed to get along great! The baby lost 5 ounces before he left the hospital, which is normal after birth. This put him at 7lbs 13oz at departure. Today he weighed in at 8lbs even. So he has almost gained all of that weight back. Next appointment is in 11 days for a followup to make sure his belly button and circumcision have healed nicely...

Photo Time...

1st Doctor Visit...

J has his first visit with his new pediatrician today, Dr. Silva. I hope they take to eachother good because there will be many more visits to come...

Direct Hit...

Daniela and I were just welcomed into parenthood by our son with a direct hit while changing his diper. Everyone has told us that he will pee on you if you're not careful, but it didn't really hit home until we were already shot...

Photo Time...

Like Father, Like Son?...

You be the judge...any resemblance??? Let's hear what you think... We will be posting comparisons of Daniela's baby pics as soon as we can get a hold of them.

Our First Night...

...at home was very interesting to say the least. It seems that the baby is a little bit confused...his sleep schedule is all out of whack. He has been sleeping all day and up all night. Last night, the only way we could get him to sleep was to lay him on either my or Daniela's chest. As soon as he fell asleep and we tried to move him to his bassinet or his little pad for our bed he would wake up and get hysterical. So we took shifts...first half of the night Daniela laid with him on her chest and the second half I took him. We gotta figure out a way to get his internal clock straightened out...

The Results Are In...

So the wonderful and fabulous Winnie Palmer Hospital called us today to let us know that the results of Daniela's Swine Flu test came back from The Center For Disease Control in California today. As we expected, she is negative for swine flu.

Home, Sweet Home...

We finally made it home at about 2:20pm or so. We had a delay at the hospital with Daniela getting her Tamiflu prescription. Time for a nap...all of us...

The Cold War Is Over...

The pediatrician just came in and said they they are discharging him today. They are working on the paperwork and we should be out of here by lunch time or shortly afterwards. Daniela's final lab results for the H1N1 virus haven't been received yet, but they are letting us leave anyways. We have to call in a couple days and get the final results. Party at the Harp Residence!!!

Waiting for the Verdict...

So Daniela got her discharge papers all signed. All we are waiting on is for the pediatrician to sign the baby's discharge papers. They came in and took him for his exam at about 8:20am or so. He has since returned to our room and the nurse said the pediatrician will be in shortly to discuss everything. That's when we will get the yay or nay...

Up all night...

J was up all night, wide awake. He is super alert and doesn't want to close his eyes for a second. He will stare at you for hours...

Family Reunion...

11:08pm....Mom meets son...FINALLY!


We have a date tonight...

Our nurse just came in and said that she confirmed with the head hancho that our son will be coming in to see us between 10:45 and 11:00pm this evening. She said that he can stay with us in the room from that point forward as long as Daniela has her swine flu mask on. So this is the latest story we have been told. We will update everyone if for some reason they decide to seal our bunker doors again before then and change their minds...

Out of Hiding...

Look who's feeling better!!! Here is the much anticipated, first look at Winnie Palmer's most beautiful new Mommy!

Facility Photos...

I snuck out real quick when no one was looking and snapped a few pics of our fine accommodations here. I hope no one from the hospital sees this blog or else they will know that I escaped the fallout bunker for a few...keep your fingers crossed...

Newspaper Announcement...

We sent in the order to have the baby's birth published in the Orlando Sentinel. Unfortunately, they only post birth announcements on Sundays, and this Sunday was already full. Earliest they could get it in was next Sunday (9/6/09). Make sure your sentinel subscription is up to date!!!

Birth Certificate...

Well, someone from the birth cert department finally called Daniela to get all of the baby's information. It seems like we have the koodies or something and every one has been avoiding us like the plague. So instead of stopping by for the info, they finally decided to just call her. They are typing it up now and should be dropping it off by the room in a few...


The baby just got taken back to get circumcised. He should be back there and in recovery for 20 mins or so afterwards...I'm glad that I'm not him today...

Murphy Beds....

...are a very nice gesture offered to the dads by Winnie Palmer....however I think that I would rather sleep on a bed of rocks tonight...

I Am Alive...

What a day it has been...it has been a rough 14 hours for me. I have not seen the baby since he was first born. I have only seen him in pictures that James has taken for me while visiting with the baby. It really sucks being locked in a room and not being allowed to see our baby. Hopefully tomorrow night the three of us will get to spend some time together.

He is soo cute!! I think that he looks like a nice blend between both his father and myself. I can't wait to hug him and kiss him! Thank you everyone for your kind words and support that you have given me over the past day or so. Talk to everyone soon!

First Time Feeding...

At around 12:30pm I went down to the nursury to see J. They made me get dressed in my swine flu outfit. It just so happened that he was due for a feeding while I was there, so I jumped on in. I also took some more pictures while I was there so mommy could see him some more. I have added them to the photo gallery.

Change of Plans...

Sorry for the mis-information before. The nurse gave us bad information. She has corrected herself and said that Daniela can't have ANY visitors until Friday night...

Quarantine Update...

So here is the official verdict on the Swine Flu quarantine...

Daniela is in isolation for 48 hours. She is not allowed to see the baby. Originally, they said that no one could visit her during this time frame either. However we just got clarification from the new nurse that she can have VERY limited visitors, but anyone who enters the room will have to put on full swine flu radioactive quarantine suits, masks, goggles and gloves. Again, she stressed it must be very limited for the first 48 hours. NO KIDS...Sorry!!!

Regarding J, he is also in isolation. He can have visitors, but no contact. He can only be seen through a viewing window for this first 48 hours. The doctor said that I am the only person allowed to visit him for this initial period, but I must also have the swine flu get-up on when I do.

Hopefully these two days will go by very quickly...

J's First Video...

Here is a video that I shot real quick before they took him away...

Look what we bought!!!

Dolphus James Harp IV
Born: 8/27/09 at 6:38 am
Weight: 8 lb 2 oz

As soon as he was born, they cleaned him up and whisked him away to isolation. He will stay there isolated from all other babies for 48 hours because of mommy's cold. He can't even have any family visitors either. We are waiting to find out if people will be able to see him through a window.

Daniela is on isolation too. She can't have any visitors either for 48 hours. Before he was taken away, however, they let me snap a few pics. Below is the link to the web album.

UPDATE: 6:04am...

Dilation complete....The doctor has been called and Daniela will start pushing very soon....FINALLY!!!

UPDATE: 4:21am...

Daniela is up to 9 1/2 cm. They plan on checking again in 30 - 45 mins. Daniela is getting restless...

UPDATE: 2:59am...

So...still waiting...we are going on 26 hours...The doc came in a little while ago and checked Daniela. She was only 8 1/2 cm. She said that it would be another 2 hours or so before Daniela was at 10 cm. That was around 2:20am. So we have roughly another hour and a half. We both took a nap and tried to get a little rest. I just made a coffee run to try to get me through the home stretch...

UPDATE: 12:01AM...

Shhhh.....she's actually taking a quick nap....

UPDATE: 11:15pm...

The nurse just checked Daniela and she is now 8 cm dilated. Almost there. The nurse also said that her water did not completely break...just ruptured a little. So the doc is going to come in and take care of it...

UPDATE: 10:45pm...

She said yes to the epidural. The pain was just too much and she wasn't able to do it any more. She got the epidural around 10:30 or so. Feeling MUCH better now...

UPDATE: 10:15pm...

The pain medicine from the IV has worn off and Daniela is getting more and more uncomfortable. She is starting to consider taking an epidural...

UPDATE: 9:25pm...

Water just broke...

UPDATE: 8:04pm...

The nurse just gave her the medicine to induce the labor faster. She checked Daniela and she was 6 cm. 1 cm an hour from this point should put her at 10 cm somewhere around 12:00 or 1:00 am.

Daniela only has until 7 cm to decide if she wants any IV pain medicine. After she hits 7, then the only thing left available to her is the epidural. So she decided to take a little IV med before it was too late.


So, it was funny before, but it's not funny any more. They have officially quarantined us for the Swine Flu virus. The room is off limits to anyone who isn't in full protective gear and a mask. Since Daniela has had a cold, they are taking extra precautions in case it is Swine Flu. They are making both Daniela and I start treatments of Tamiflu which is the swine flu medicine.

That's not even the worst part...Once the baby is born, they are going to take him away and put him in quarantine too. Daniela will not be able to see him or hold him for 48 hours after starting her Tamiflu treatment. They might let me see the baby if I don't have any flu symptoms. Very depressed right now...

UPDATE: 5:06pm...

We are for sure being admitted and having the baby. We are waiting for a room upstairs...

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UPDATE: 4:30pm...

Here are her contractions on the screen...three minutes apart. Waiting to see a doctor. Nothing new right now.

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UPDATE: 4:10pm...

Nurse said shes pretty sure today is the day. They are prob going to admit us...

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

UPDATE: 4:05pm...

Nurse said the contractions are every two to three minutes. They seem to be getting worse on Daniela. she is now dialated 3cm...

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UPDATE: 3:45pm...

We made it back to the triage room. They are going to monitor her contractions for 20 mins or so to see if they will be admitting us or sending us home...

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Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

Swine Flu...

Since she has had a cold...they made her put on a swine flu mask lol

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UPDATE: 2:30pm

Just got to Winnie. In the triage check in waiting to be called...

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Contractions are every 5 mins. We are off to the hospital.

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

BREAKING: It might be time...

So I called the doc and they said if the contractions are consistent and get to about every 10 minutes or so that we should head in to Winnie. Daniela is going to time them over the next hour. If they stay at 10 mins apart then we are going to head on in...

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Daniela has been having contractions all last night and this morning. She says they seem to be mild and not that close together yet. So we're not going to head to the hospital just yet. I'm going to have her call the doc in a few and check in. I'm at work and just waiting for the call. Could be any time now...

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

So what was it?...

So it was a false alarm but that leaves the question, what was it then? James thinks I wet the bed, lol. I really don't know what it was but I know for a fact it wasn't that. A lot of weird stuff happens when you are pregnant and this is one of those things. Looks like we will be having the baby on Sunday. I don't think he will be coming this week, but lets see.

Reality Check...

So today was a little nerve-wracking. I thought all this time that I was completely ready, but I honestly did get nervous when Daniela said the doc wanted us to come right in. I guess I am excited and nervious all at once. It was a reality check and it it really set in that this is going to happen, lol.

The doc told us to come back on Thursday for a follow up. He said that when he sees us on Thursday, he will schedule us and get everything set up for Sunday in the event the baby isn't here before then...

False Alarm...

Ok so her water didnt break. No baby yet...

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So Daniela thinks her water might have broken. She called the doc and they bumped our appointment up from this afternoon to right now! We are on our way in to the office now. Stay tuned...

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.

Bad Timing?...

Daniela woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat. She spent the day sniffling and sneezing while trying to get her throat to stop closing up. It sounds like she is on the verge of getting a cold. Can you say "Bad Timing?" I called the doc today and he said that the only thing she can take is some special kind of sudafed and some throat lozenges. I didn't quite get the type of sudafed he told me to get (a couple of them are dangerous to her and the baby), so we are just going to wait until our appointment tomorrow for clarification. I got her the lozenges on the way home from work though. Hope they help. She better not get my son sick!!!

Voting Closed...

So here are the final results of the name poll.

J - 7 votes
James - 4 votes
Other - 3 votes
Little Jimbo - 1 vote
DJ - 0 votes
Jim/Jimmy - 0 votes

It looks like J is the winner. It just so happens that Daniela and I like J and we think that's what we will be calling him.

Last weekend alone...

So I just realized that we have just had our last weekend alone. A little surreal. But we are very excited! Sometime between now and the next 7 days we will have a little one with us...

It's Official...

The baby is now officially a Virgo. Yesterday was his last opportunity to come as a Leo...and unfortunately he missed his cutoff time...

Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!

Little J wants to wish his grandpa a happy 64th birthday today. We love you!

Cord Blood...

So Daniela had mentioned the topic of cord blood to me a while back. I never got around to researching it and seeing what in the world she was talking about. Apparently, the blood that is left in the umbilical cord can be utilized to capture valuable stem cells. These stem cells can be used to cure many diseases such as cancers of the blood, brain diseases and leukemia.

You can actually contract a company to come in after the cord is cut and collect the blood, ship it to their lab, and have them store your cord blood in cryonic vaults. You can access your cord blood bank later in life if your baby happens to be troubled with a disease that could benefit from these cells. Sounded like a pretty cool idea as I read about it. Until I got to the price...

It was something like $2,000++ for the processing fee for you to ship the blood to the company to process it, and then another $200 a year for the cryonic storage. Would be nice...but no thanks.

Instead, I learned that Winnie Palmer is partnered with CORD:USE which is a public cord blood bank. They accept donations from parents who are not going to use the cord blood from their baby. The bank is used to help many babies who are in need of these stem cells.

Since we are not able to save ours, we are going to do the next best thing and donate it to CORD:USE.

1st Year Cost...

So I came across this website and filled out the info for the stuff we have purchased and/or plan to spend money on over the next year (not including the stuff from our baby shower) and it supposedly told me how much our baby will cost for the first year. Is this amount higher than subsequent years?? Or is this cost recurring?? LOL

Baby Calculator

August 25th & August 30th...

Our next appointment has been scheduled for the baby's official due date. We are praying that we won't need it...but every day that passes it looks more and more like we will...

So here it is....the day that will end it all!!! The wait will be over one way or another by this date. No baby on the 30th? No problem, we'll just force him out of hiding!!!
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