I Am Alive...

What a day it has been...it has been a rough 14 hours for me. I have not seen the baby since he was first born. I have only seen him in pictures that James has taken for me while visiting with the baby. It really sucks being locked in a room and not being allowed to see our baby. Hopefully tomorrow night the three of us will get to spend some time together.

He is soo cute!! I think that he looks like a nice blend between both his father and myself. I can't wait to hug him and kiss him! Thank you everyone for your kind words and support that you have given me over the past day or so. Talk to everyone soon!


tiffany Findley said...

You are amazing...I'm sure he's amazing. I can't wait to meet him after you guys have some family time together. He's gorgeous!

Dani said...

he can't wait to be seen either :) Everyone can over when we leave. James says party at our house but someone else has to cook :)

tiffany Findley said...

that is more than fair :-)

Marissa and Juan said...

I want to come over!

Dani said...

I want you to come over too! You should drive down :)

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