Quarantine Update...

So here is the official verdict on the Swine Flu quarantine...

Daniela is in isolation for 48 hours. She is not allowed to see the baby. Originally, they said that no one could visit her during this time frame either. However we just got clarification from the new nurse that she can have VERY limited visitors, but anyone who enters the room will have to put on full swine flu radioactive quarantine suits, masks, goggles and gloves. Again, she stressed it must be very limited for the first 48 hours. NO KIDS...Sorry!!!

Regarding J, he is also in isolation. He can have visitors, but no contact. He can only be seen through a viewing window for this first 48 hours. The doctor said that I am the only person allowed to visit him for this initial period, but I must also have the swine flu get-up on when I do.

Hopefully these two days will go by very quickly...


tiffany Findley said...

I hope these two days go by very quickly too...I can't imagine how this feels for you guys. Please give Daniela our love and wishes for a speedy couple of days ahead.

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