We're not alone...

I am thrilled to announce that one of my very close friends has shared with me that she is also pregnant. I am thrilled and can't wait!!!

2nd Trimester

Hi everybody! I hope everyone is doing fine. I am officially in my 2nd trimester!!! I feel somewhat better and my appetite is slowly beginning to return. I am still very drained a lot of the time. I have been told that your energy and appetite comes back full swing in the 2nd trimester, so I'm ready! I also turned 27 this week! I can't think of a better birthday present than the baby!! In two weeks is our next appointment with Dr. Bielawny. We will check back then to let everyone know how it goes.

March 5th

Our next doctor visit is on March 5th when we expect to get most of the results from the blood tests that were taken during the last visit. These tests are to check for any signs of health problems that might come up.
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Saw The Doc Today

We had our 2nd doctor's visit today. He went over the results from the tests and ultrasound from last visit. Everything is normal. Daniela gave 5 tubes of blood so that they could run their 2nd round of tests; mainly to check for abnormalities that might come up down the road. She was thrilled to get the needle, lol. She addressed her concerns with her food and nutrition intake (since it's drastically decreased due to the nausea) and the doctor reassured her that it was normal and that she should start to feel better soon. Our next appointment is in 4 weeks.

London Marie Sanchez

Daniela and I are an Aunt and Uncle again! Hector and Heather had their 2nd baby today. 8lb, 5oz. Congrats!

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