Batter Up...

Grumpy Shug...

We took a ride to Downey Park yesterday before dinner to scope out a pavilion for J's birthday party in August.  He was not happy being out and about.  Here is his "get me the heck out of this car" face...

Happy Birthday J...

Today is J's 10 month b-day.  Only 2 months left until the big bash.  Happy Birthday Shug!!!

Daniela's special homemade cupcakes...

Beach Day...

J got to take his first trip to the beach today.  He started out unsure of the water, but he quickly came around and had a lot of fun crawling around in the sand...

Photo Time...

Happy Birthday Bella!!!

Sorry that we couldn't get you a better picture Bella...J was not cooperating with his birthday hat.  Hope you have a great day!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Father's Day...

Hope all the dads out there had a good weekend with their families.  J and I want to wish everyone a happy father's day...

Shug After Dark...

Here are a couple pics from the baby cam that I snapped a couple nights ago when the baby woke up.  Forgot to post them earlier...

Who Ate The Miracle Grow...

J has teeth sprouting up left and right now.  His two bottom teeth are big and have really grown since the last picture, and now his two top teeth are breaking through.  Watch your fingers...

9 Years and Counting...

Today marks 9 years since I first set the hook on Daniela and our adventure began.  Crazy how time flies.  If J grows up this fast then I am going to be very disappointed.  Happy Anniversary Mama Shug...I love you!

June 2002 - 1 year anniversary

Photo Time...

Photo Time...

Shug After Dark...

We have a new series to share titled Shug After Dark.  J does some pretty funny things when he's sleeping.  From sleep walking in his crib, to standing up and then doing a face plant before falling right back asleep, to waking up and sitting in the corner by himself for a few minutes just staring off into the dark.  Thanks to our night vision baby cam, we're able to share some of it when we can catch it on camera.  Here is the first set of hopefully many more to come in the Shug After Dark series...

11:17 pm
11:36 pm
11:41 pm

Viva La Lola Perro...

We were in Children's Place over the weekend and found a shirt with a family member on it.  We wanted to pay homage to J's cousin, Lola.  So we picked it up!

Good Morning...

J apparently woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning...

Chino's Birthday Dinner...

The day started out paintballing with Chino and ended with a bash over at the Lopez residence.  We had a great time hanging out with the fam. 


Beef Got Into the beer...
This birthday present turned out to be more controversial than we thought...

Happy Birthday Chino!!!

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