Dancing With The Stars...

Here is J's audition tape.  Every time the Apple iPad commercial comes on his attention immediately goes toward the tv.  I assumed it was because of the catchy song they use.  So I found it on the internet, started playing it and away he went.  He loves it!  He can be throwing a temper tantrum and crying, but as soon as the music starts, his feet start moving.  It's like he can't help it.  Seeing a crying baby dance at the same time is pretty funny...

Photo Time...

Haircut Number 4...

...is in the books.  This little guy is like a Chia-pet!

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Well J is!  His favorite day of the week is finally here...

Full House...

J got to spend the afternoon playing with the Lopez clan.  All five of them were happy to take over the house for a few hours while their parents caught a movie, and I'm ready for a nap... Props to Rick and Dora for doing this every day!!!


J and I visited Binky this morning at her soccer game.  She served up a can of you-know-what to the other team, scoring 4 of the team's 6 goals.  They didn't even know what hit them...

Climbing To The Top...

Unfortunately, J has now learned how to climb onto the coffee table.  Now what?  Do we have to put a gate around the coffee table too??

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Dad's birthday is today.  I wish he was here to see how great of a kid J is growing up to be.  He would be so proud...  Love you dad, happy birthday!

Hey Batter, Batter...

Lexi had her first softball game today.  She had a couple of hits and scored the team's first run, but they got behind early.  Unfortunately they ran out of time during their comeback.  They'll get 'em next week!

Photo Time...

Bedtime Laughter...

Musical Composition...

Lexi got her trombone today for band class and seems excited to learn.  Eric was also thrilled and jumped right in to give her the crash course on trombone 101.  I hope she practices for hours every night, especially when Tiffany and Eric are tired after a long day's work.  I'm sure the tranquil sounds will be very relaxing, lol...

Photo Time...

Working up an appetite...

Took shug outside today for a little bit before dinner so he could run around and be J.  After pushing (not riding) his power wheel up and down the driveway, running faster than his legs could go and falling, and licking the sidewalk...he was ready to go inside for dinner!

Our Trip To Ecuador...

We met Tiffany and Eric at the park this morning to take some pictures.  It was unbelievably hot and I could have sworn we were in Ecuador or somewhere tropical.  I don't think J liked the heat either as he didn't give us his typical cheerful smiles we are accustomed to.  Photos still came out great.  It's difficult to get a bad shot of him!

Photo Time...

:08 Seconds...

J got a Bull rocking horse (I guess it would be called a rocking bull) for his birthday.  The first night we tried to put him on it he was terrified.  I'm not sure if it was because it moo-ed at him or because it was almost as big as he is.  But he slowly came around and now he loves it.  It was difficult to get any photos today because he was bouncing around and rocking so fast...

Day 1

Photo Time...

Computer Programming...

Home Sweet Home...

Jack made the trip home today.  He's so tiny!  J is going to love him!!!

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