Daddy Got Attacked...

So Daniela got her redemption with me today for when I made fun of her getting stung. I, too, got attacked by a scorpion hiding in my shorts. I feel like our house is under siege by these things. Pest control guy will be here tomorrow to take care of this problem. I now know about the light that Daniela was talking about. It was very bright and seemed to be moving closer and closer to me. After I made sure that my leg wasn't cut off, I proceeded to slowly torture the attacker. As you can see in the photos, first I broke his arm.  Then I proceeded to tear off each one of his legs one by one. Then I released him back into the wild so he could go tell his friends that he picked the wrong house...

Swing Along...

We stopped by the park after breakfast today to let J try out a swingset for the first time.  He liked it, so we definitely need to find a place near the house that has a swing for him to use...

Be Careful: He Bites!!!

We have been waiting to get this shot for a while now.  He has two teeth that started to come in a week or two ago, but he wouldn't sit still with his mouth open long enough unless he was crying.  So this afternoon I finally got my chance...

Pre-season Workouts...

J is getting warmed up for training camp. Another couple months and he will be ready for Pop Warner Football...

Happy 3/4 Birthday J!!!

Today, J is 3/4 of a year old.  Only three months left until the biggest birthday bash of 2010!


On My Way...

He's graduated to walking with help.  Now if he will just learn to balance himself...

Happy Birthday Hector!!!

As you can see, the excitement has overcome me.  I'm worn out from celebrating.  Happy Birthday and MOD!

Mommy Got Attacked...

While Daniela was putting on a pair of jeans today, she felt something tingling on her upper leg for a few seconds.  After quickly ripping the pants off and throwing them on the floor, I shook them and out popped the scorpion.  She got stung about three times before realizing that he was in there, and definitely has the welts on her upper leg to prove it.  She claims that she had a near death experience and saw bright lights off in the distance that she had to fight from going towards.  I guess we almost lost mommy today...


Photo Time...

Hitchin' A Ride...

We bought the baby a bicycle trailer today.  Now we just need to find some bikes!  Hopefully we'll be able to take him for a spin this afternoon...

Meet Maddon...

My cousin Chris and his wife Cindy had their 2nd son at the end of April.  J would like to indroduce you to his newest cousin, Maddon Christopher, born April 28th, 2010.  Congrats!

Riding In Style...

J finally outgrew his infant car seat carrier.  Over the weekend we ordered a new big boy car seat for him and it arrived today.  Same brand and style as his infant carrier, but definitely an upgrade.  Complete with 5 recline positions and a cup holder.  He seems to be happy with it...

Photo Time...

Anywhere is walking distance, if you have the time...

J is slowly getting closer and closer to learning how to walk.  The walker he plays in has taught him that moving his feet will get him around.  So if he has something to hold on to he sure will try his best.  A few more weeks practicing his balance and and I think he'll be there...

Photo Time...

Play Time...

We had everyone over for mother's day for a couple hours this morning.  J got a chance to hang out with his gang...including Charlie, his fellow gang-member representing the North Carolina Chapter...

Happy Mommy Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day!

The New J: Version 2.0...

FINALLY!!!  We took J to the barber shop for his first haircut.  And before anyone asks...yes, Daniela is doing ok.  Daniela and J both did great and he looks brand new.  I couldn't be happier with the result.  He even picked up a cougar while waiting in line at the store right after his haircut.  She was all over him.  If I hadn't been there, she might have ended up in jail...Click the link to view all of the photos from the barber shop.  Make sure to let us know what you think...

In Hot Pursuit...

J has really gotten the hang of his walker.  If he had an open area of smooth floor, he would take off.  He's still trying to learn the whole "obstacle" thing, but he's getting there...

Photo Time...

Photo Time...

Photo Time...

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