Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...

J got his own version of Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse today...

Bella ♥ Shug...

J went to Bella's basketball game this morning to cheer her on and they won!  So he quickly made his way over to the bench to congratulate her...

Candy Land...

J has discovered lollipops...

Photo Time...

Cousin Rivalry...

London loves J one minute, and then the next minute she wants to see him cry.  She definitely likes to push his buttons...

Happy Birthday J!!!

Well, we didn't think we would get here so fast but here we are...J's final mini-birthday before the big shindig.  Only one more month and then he get's to finally grub down on the cake he's been eying for the past 11 months...

Happy Birthday!

Picking Up The Pace...

This was taken towards the end of the night after we had already tired him out by making him walk all over the house.  He can walk long distances now, from the living room to the kitchen to the front door and back.  He still needs to learn how to stand up on his own without using something to pull himself up but he's getting there...

Photo Time...

Cry Me A River...

His crying photos are my favorites.  He's so drama and then it's like someone flips a switch and he's the happiest kid in the world again...

Meet Jack...

Here is the newest member of the clan.  He looks just like Chino!!  Can't wait to see him...

Photo Time...

Redefining My Muse...

We got a new camera today to replace our old one.  It has been around the block and got its fair share of use, so we figured it was time for a new one.  The replacement has a few more settings on it, so a quick stop by Tiffany's was in order to get some explanation.  After getting my f-stops re-aligned, shutter speed dialed in and making sure my bracketing was bolted down, I was able to polish up on my one thirds composition and start getting down to business with the new camera.  It's obvious that I need to practice and spend some time with it, but hopefully I can get the hang of the new hardware quickly before I mess up on some good photos that I can't get back.  Only time will tell...

Locked Out...

We have done our best to lock down the house now that J is more mobile.  Let's just say that he is not loving the gates...

Light At The End of The Tunnel...

Photo Time...

Happy Birthday Tiffany!!!

J wants to wish a very happy 60th (close enough) birthday to his aunt Tiffany. Hope you have a good New York B-Day!

Playtime At The Park...

We took J to the park for a few after dinner today.  He had a blast.  He liked everything except for the slide, he got scared.  We won't be doing that again for a while...

Photo Time...

Let's Go For A Walk...

Finally!  J took his first steps tonight.  He is able to stand up and balance on his own, and get a few steps in before falling over.  It's almost like it happened over night.  Yesterday he wasn't able to balance without holding on to something. And today, off he went...

Mr. Bubbles...

I brought home a bubble gun for J and I to play with.  He's still unsure of how they magically disappear after they reach the ground, but he's very curious...

Super-sized Ball...

I saw this at Target today and immediately wanted to buy it for him.  He liked the smaller one so much that I knew he would love this one even more...

Happy 4th of July!

We are on our way to 4th of July dinner.  Not sure if J will be up long enough for us to go see his first fireworks display tonight, but we're going to try to take him.  Happy 4th!

Candy Coated...

We are starting to slowly gather stuff for the baby's 1st birthday.  Last week we ordered some custom M&Ms and they arrived today.  We couldn't resist throwing one of his classic crying photos into the mix...

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