Happy Birthday...

Today is J's 1 month birthday. We went to Sweet with Tiffany, Eric and Lexi, which is a gourmet cupcake place in Waterford Lakes. Happy Birthday shug!

Photos courtesy of www.tiffanyfindley.com

Thinking Halloween...

We started browsing for the baby's first Halloween costume today. We are pretty set on this one. Unless something changes, look for the shug to be climbing around in this costume on the 31st...

Monday Delivery...

So I got a call from the shipping company yesterday, and our baby furniture is scheduled to be delivered on Monday...finally. It only took 14 and a half weeks. Let's hope nothing changes between now and then...


To Marissa and Juan who welcomed their bundle of joy on 9/22/08. They welcomed a son, Charles "Charlie" Cruz. He measured 20" and weighed 8lbs 4oz. Little shug is anxious to meet his new bud and can't wait to see him soon. Again, congrats!

Family Visit...

Took J over to see my family for a few this weekend. Tiffany got some great photos of him!!

Photos courtesy of www.tiffanyfindley.com

Photo Time...

Here is fatty dreaming about his next big meal...

Still dreaming...

Someone just broke the news to him that he can't eat yet until after bath time...

2nd Doc visit update

Tuesday was the baby's follow up appointment with Dr. Silva. He is doing great and he gained 1 lb and 12 oz! I am happy that he is gaining weight. Next visit is in a couple of weeks for his routine physical. He does not start getting shots until he is 2 months.

Ready To Disrobe...

Here's the baby waiting patiently for his 8:00 bath time. He is looking super sophisticated in his Hugh Hefner robe...


We finally got the shug to fall asleep in the bassinet without being held. Sure it's only been 20 minutes and he might wake right back up; and sure it's only 8:45pm and not 3:30am...but still, I feel like we just caught a small glimmer of hope. I sure do hope things fall into a routine and he starts going to sleep without being held. This is the first time he has fallen asleep on his own in over a week. I put him in there while he was up, covered his legs and turned on his mobile and in five mins...BAM, he was out! Amazing...

Memory Lane...

So this is what the shug looked like in the womb while hiccuping all those times. Well the hiccups are back with a vengeance. Make sure your sound is turned up. Too funny...

Around The Block...

We took the baby on his first walk around the neighborhood today. He knocked right out...

Your Baby Can Read...

J's grandma bought him the "Your Baby Can Read" learning program. It is supposed to start teaching your baby how to speak and read at a much earlier age than he would learn otherwise. It has an entire curriculum to follow, starting at the age of 1 month to start getting him used to specific sounds. He's going to be a genius in no time. Thanks mom!

Breaking Necks...

J is getting strong already. When you lay him on your chest, he is already lifting his head up under his own strength and looking around...

What's Missing?...

THE CRIB!!! That's what. But I got the room finished today. The only thing left is the furniture. The manufacturer said that it should be shipping out by the end of this week...so we might have it by the end of next week...(keyword: might). But we've heard that story before. Not that it really matters though...because the only way the baby will go to sleep is if some one's holding him. I hope this room doesn't turn into just a closet and storage area... Let us know what you think of the room!

Reverse Order...

I have not been in any rush to paint the baby's nursery because Daniela's super duper fabulous rare crib still isn't here (that's another post in itself...). But I decided I'll go ahead and get it painted this weekend. Doesn't this usually get done before the baby arrives??? Rick snagged us some tickets to the Bucs/Cowboys game on Sunday, so I have to get this knocked out on Saturday. Here's a sneak peek...

Photo Update...

Requeusts have been made to see some new photos of the baby...so here you go!

He always cracks a smile when we are least expecting it. I did my best to capture this one before he hid it again. I caught him at the tail end of the kool-aid smile...

He didn't want people to see this one...


The shug is 1 week and 2 days old today. Time is flying by. So far he has been a good baby but he has had days where we don't get much sleep...like last night. The baby was fussy and only wanted to sleep with one of us holding him. Hopefully this will not be a sleeping pattern! It carried on all day today but cranky pants is finally is asleep...

Photo courtesy of www.tiffanyfindley.com

Front Page News...

J made the paper today. It's in the Travel section, not sure why...He's a celebrity already!

Famous Baby...


The baby had some cousins come and visit yesterday. It seems like everytime people come over, the baby knocks out and sleeps through the entire visit. I need more visitors PLEASE!!!

Photos courtesy of www.tiffanyfindley.com

Nap Time...

Current News Article...

We have been going through J's baby book and filling out some of the stuff. One of the pages asks for you to put a newspaper story that was in the paper on the day the baby was born. I thought this one suited the occasion wonderfully...

So Fresh and So Clean...

Baby had his first bath today. He cried at first, but then quickly settled down and enjoyed it. He was very relaxed afterwards so you could tell it did him some good...

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