Happy Halloween!

Went for a short walk around the Lopez neighborhood.  J did pretty good.  After he got his first piece of candy that's all he cared about and didn't pay mind to anything else...

Jack dressed up as a Jack-o-lantern, lol!

You Little Devil, You...

Daniela shot down my idea to dress J up as a Chucky doll for Halloween this year.  So this was the alternative.  He actually really likes it and was running all over the house with his pitch fork.  I'm sure he'll have fun on Halloween...

Fast Asleep (really fast)...

J and I were playing around downstairs while Daniela went on a run.  He was having fun rolling around until at one point he rolled over but didn't roll back.  I walked around to see if it was what I thought and sure enough, he was fast asleep in the middle of the dining room.  It hit him like a light switch...

Skeletons In My Closet...

Check out J's new pajamas!  And they glow in the dark, lol...

Paid Vacation...

Nothing beats being able to get paid while you take the day off from work to spend with your family!  Daniela and I both had the day off and spent the day out with J shopping, dinning and playing at the park.  We even worked some froyo from Sweet! in there.  Can't wait for the next holiday!

Daniela got a little scared on the slide, but J quickly calmed her down...

Play Ball...

We spent the morning at Azalea Park watching Lexi's softball game.  J was happy to be running around and buddied up with Eric for a good part of the game.   He must not have been feeling too well, lol...


So Daniela took the day off from work and stayed home with the baby for the day.  I guess he missed me so much while I was at work that he decided to jump head first off the bed.  Now he has a bruised red nose and upper lip to show for it...

Happy Birthday Binky!

Binky turned 12 yesterday!  Just got home from her b-day dinner where Dora cooked up a lasagna and Daniela baked a cake.  Only one more year until her parents have a bona fide teenager on their hands!  Happy Birthday!

Cleaning Up...

So at first glance the empty bottle of dish soap would lead one to believe that we went on a cleaning spree and decided to wash every dish in the house.  That would be a great conclusion, however we happen to have a one year old at the house!  While J was pulling his wagon around the house, I noticed that he had been very quiet for a minute or two.  When I walked into the kitchen I soon realized why.  He found a way to get past the child locks on the kitchen cabinets and proceeded to dump the soap all over the kitchen floor, himself, and even decided to give it a little taste which was verified by the bubbles and soap coming out of his mouth.  Luckily Poison Control said the worst that would happen is vomiting and diarrhea.  Oh joy, I love vomiting babies with diarrhea!  At least he's going to be ok.  Why on earth did they have to give us that extra 30% for free!?!

Monday Night Football...

Fins are going to drown the Pats tonight.  J is all pumped up...Can't wait!

Photo Time...


Another deer came strolling around the backyard today just before sunset.  She was fine hanging out around the yard looking for something good to eat until J went running up to the window and banged on it.  Off she went...

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