COMING SOON: First Haircut...

So it's no secret that J needs a haircut, bad.  He was born with a full head of hair, and none of it fell out.  So it definitely is in need.  He's starting to get the "is it a boy or girl?" question more and more.

I have been trying to talk Daniela in to it for quite some time now, but have been met with nothing but resistance.  She wants to wait until he's 1 year old, which on the norm would be fine.  But our shug's hair is just way too long to be able to make it until the first birthday.  Tonight she finally cracked!  She has given me the approval to schedule his first haircut!

I did some searching and came across a place out in Sanford that I think will be location.  It's called Cool Cuts 4 KidsThey have barber chairs that are shaped out of cool cars like taxis, fire trucks and police cars.  If the fancy chairs won't hold him good enough, I might just have to sit him on my lap.  But it's going to be so worth it!  He's going to look like a stud when he's done.  Can't wait!!!


James said...

Lol, Daniela is already hyperventilating just by reading this post. Can't wait!

Marissa and Juan said...

Keep the hair!:) I'm with Dan

Quatro Plus 2 said...

The barber chair doesn't matter at 8 months, bring him to SLAM DUNK and give him a blow out. NOTE: the kid in the photo is 12 years old and Lil Jimbo is going to slap the "hair stylist and take the scissors and stab her in the eye with it" A real barber is like a 5min haircut which is all he is going to sit for.

Been there.

James said...

Ok ok, so maybe the chair is a waste. But regardless, at least he's going to get a cut. We will probably realistically end up somewhere near the house. And no, I'm not taking him to slam dunk...

Dani said...

I think we may need to reconside this haircut situation...

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