Redefining My Muse...

We got a new camera today to replace our old one.  It has been around the block and got its fair share of use, so we figured it was time for a new one.  The replacement has a few more settings on it, so a quick stop by Tiffany's was in order to get some explanation.  After getting my f-stops re-aligned, shutter speed dialed in and making sure my bracketing was bolted down, I was able to polish up on my one thirds composition and start getting down to business with the new camera.  It's obvious that I need to practice and spend some time with it, but hopefully I can get the hang of the new hardware quickly before I mess up on some good photos that I can't get back.  Only time will tell...


Tiffany said...

Oh I'm impressed with that title...pretty shanazzy

Pictures look good too :-)

James said...

what can I say...I have a great vocabulary, lol.

Dani said...

actually he was calling himself a photagrapher yada yada...

James said...

Don't be a hater...

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