Crash Landing...

So I come home from work and as I'm walking into the house from the garage, I find glass scattered all over the place.  The place looked like a crime scene.  I initially thought to myself that Daniela must have dropped a glass or something.  So after confirming that she didn't drop anything and thought that I did it, I go back out to investigate.  I finally discovered that the garage window was broken out.  I was pissed!...thinking either one of these punk kids running around the neighborhood broke it out or someone tried to break in.

That's when I saw the note on the front door.  We have an old flying field behind our house where people fly remote control model airplanes.  The author goes on to explain how he lost control of his airplane and out of the hundreds of acres in the immediate area, the plane decided to crash directly into the window on our garage door.

So I'm now thinking, "Wow, that's a nice guy" to actually leave a note when no one's home with his business card explaining the situation and confirming that he has already ordered the window and will be installing it as soon as he has it.  But after calling and speaking to him, I discretely find out the real reason he probably fessed up and left the note.  He wants his couple-hundred dollar airplane motor back that flew into the garage!!!


Tiffany said...

I quickly had to scroll down to the bottom of this. I thought you were going to say that someone broke into the house. Glad that wasn't the case.

...though I think you should hold out on returing the motor until your garage window is fixed :-)

James said...

This guy's not getting back the motor until everything fixed! No question about it...

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