Cleaning Up...

So at first glance the empty bottle of dish soap would lead one to believe that we went on a cleaning spree and decided to wash every dish in the house.  That would be a great conclusion, however we happen to have a one year old at the house!  While J was pulling his wagon around the house, I noticed that he had been very quiet for a minute or two.  When I walked into the kitchen I soon realized why.  He found a way to get past the child locks on the kitchen cabinets and proceeded to dump the soap all over the kitchen floor, himself, and even decided to give it a little taste which was verified by the bubbles and soap coming out of his mouth.  Luckily Poison Control said the worst that would happen is vomiting and diarrhea.  Oh joy, I love vomiting babies with diarrhea!  At least he's going to be ok.  Why on earth did they have to give us that extra 30% for free!?!


Tiffany said...

oh my! Glad everyone is ok.

And great photo, btw...composition is good and I love that you've got the dishtowels in the background...but not completely in focus :-)

Dani said...

I also told James this was great photo.

James said...

Lol it's just a bottle of soap...

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