Close Call...

Daniela had a rough day today with the new baby-to-be.  She woke up with pains in her stomach that caused her to be very sore.  She had plans to go see the doc, but he was in surgery all day.  So she had no choice but to go to Winnie Palmer.  By the time she got there, not only were the pains worse, but she started having contractions.  For about 3 or 4 hours they were two to four minutes apart.  She thought that the was going into early labor.

The doctors kept her monitored for most of the day while they tried to find out if she was in fact going into early labor or not.  Ultimately, the two issues were unrelated and were caused by different things.

The pain in her abdomen and back is what is known as Round Ligament Pain.  It's where the ligaments that are attached to the uterus are stretched and sore.  It's common after the 2nd Trimester, but it seemed like Daniela caught a really bad case of it.

The contractions were the scary part, especially since they were so close together for so long.  They ended up being Braxton Hicks Contractions, at least according to the ER doc.  She said that they could have been caused by dehydration, but there's no way to know for sure.  They gave her some meds to slow them down and weaken them.

She's going to be on bed rest for a while.  Very scary stuff...


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